Saturday, November 6, 2010

Google translate- Bollywood Ishtyle

All right, the Google Translate tool is cool, it does translate most of the stuff brilliantly. But then, for obvious reasons, it's funny how the Famous Bollywood dialogues get translated. Here's what I came across on the web while checking it out and it was hilarious.

After going through the above translation, I wondered what other cheezy lines of Bollywood would translate into if one tries to convert them into English. And so I tried a few famous songs and phrases. Following are those for you to enjoy-

बाबूजी ज़रा धीरे चलो, बिजली कड़ी यहाँ बिजली कड़ी.
Papa Just go slow, electric power link link here.

प्यार दीवाना होता है, मस्ताना होता है.
Love is crazy, have become drunk.

मुन्नी बदनाम हुई darling तेरे लिए.
Munni was bad for you darling.

जियो, गाओ, मुस्कुराओ, क्या पता कल हो न हो.
Live, Sing, Smile, do not know what to do tomorrow.

बदतमीज़ ! तेरे घर में माँ-बहने नहीं है.
Arrogant! Your home mom - is not flowing.  

कितने आदमी थे?
How many men were?

These are only a few of them that I tried. You can try some on your own too. Its fun. And please post some of the Best ones that you come across.

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